701-365-0401 dwaale@gmail.com

Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink and swore his last oath. Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably shorter than ever.
Mark Twain

You know how this story ends: lying on the couch surrounded by empty Dorito bags and M&M crumbs. New running shoes still in the box,( price tag attached!) a mountain of laundry and a dog that hasn’t been outside so long he is desperately tunneling under the door… and it’s only January 2nd.

I’ve made the lists and the resolutions, too. I’ve taken stock of my stock and decided to make the massive changes that last…Oh, a week… or two.

So this year I am going to try to be a little easier of myself. Now, I’m still trying to be a better Dave in many many areas… and I am certain a few of you would have A LOT of advice for me, ( That goes both ways you know!)

But as James Altucher says; “Habits don’t change in a day. But 1% a day makes every habit work.

The reason is: they work if you do a little each day. If you relax and give yourself permission to only improve a little each day, then a good habit works.

Improve a little each day. It compounds. When 1% compounds every day, it doubles every 72 days, not every 100 days. Compounding tiny excellence is what creates big excellence.” You can read the whole blog post here.

I like that math. Improving 1% a day in whatever I am trying to improve in my life sounds a lot easier than saying I am going to bench press 300 lbs, write 4 best sellers, and pay off my house by 12/31/17. And a lot more doable.

Happy New year all. And thanks for reading. Feedback welcome!
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