701-365-0401 dwaale@gmail.com

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
Mark Twain

Admiral William McRaven, a Navy SEAL who commanded the mission that took care of Osama bin Laden knows a few things about getting started.

It’s Monday, and we all fight our own demons when it comes to getting tasks done and accomplishing the Great Things we wanted to do today.(I’ve seen your to-do list, it looks like mine. About 50 items with 2 crossed off.)

So, how do we get started and follow through? (not to mention deal with all the misfires, drama, and surprises the day may bring.)

Well…you could make your bed.

McRaven once gave a commencement speech at the University of Texas at Austin. In it he talked about the10 life lessons that stuck with him after completing the SEAL training program. You can read all 10 here.

But the first on the list is to make your bed. McRaven says that accomplishing that small task sets the tone for the day, will encourage you attempt other tasks and will help you remember that little things matter.

He says; “And, if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made–that you made and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better.”

Now, I already make my bed in the morning, (remember, he was talking to college kids.) and I would guess that most of you do as well. But really, making your bed is, I think, a metaphor for starting the day right.

And I like the idea. Before we even get to the office, or on the tractor, or in the classroom or wherever we go, we can mentally cross one thing off our list. A tidy bed – or meditation, or journaling or dishes put away or whatever it is that sets your pace for the day –  will help give the boost we need to tackle those things that are waiting for us. Because they aren’t going anywhere!

I’m guessing the SEALs pretty much finish off their to-do list by the end of the day. And they start with a small task. Making their bed.

Thanks for reading so far and I hope you all had a great Monday. If you know any one who might like to get these Blog posts just let me know ( green link ) or go to Waalechiropractic.com and sign up or even give a call 701-365-0401 and I would be delighted to add them to my list.

Dr. Dave