701-365-0401 dwaale@gmail.com
Good advice

Good advice

“It’s actually very easy to give people good advice. It’s very hard to follow the advice you know is good….If someone came to me with a list of problems, I would be able to sort them out very easily.” Sam Harris

There it is: The clarity of distance. I, like everyone else, get so bogged down in my own brain that I can’t see the answers clearly right in front of me.
Even worse is knowing what to do and zigging when I should be zagging. Ah, those humans!

But read on for – if not a quick fix – at least a workaround to help us avoid all those “I knew I shouldn’t have said/done that.”

Tammy Swift Is a writer for the Fargo Forum. She penned a column a while back that touched on this very thing. This is the essence of the piece:

My friend — let’s call him Jehoshaphat — had a mother who gave him arguably the best advice ever rendered by a parental figure. She told him that whenever he struggled to make a decision, he should ask himself what a smart person would do.” You can read the entire column here.

What would a smart person do? You probably already know. But this a great way to take ourselves out the moment and try to look at the issue with fresh eyes and without the emotional component that can escalate things to the point of no return or huge regret. A word said is a word said. Some things can’t be undone.

You can even take this a bit further, just slightly modify the question and apply it to virtually any situation:

“What would a kind person say?”
“What would a brave person do?”
“What would a calm person think?”
“How would a confident person react?”
“How would a good parent respond?”

I think we are all pretty smart people. This is just a little mind hack, if you will, to let us help ourselves. Because we like us.

Thanks for reading so far. I appreciate it and feedback is welcome! If you know someone who might like to receive these notes, just have them send me an email and I would be thrilled to add them to the list. You are supposed to be able to sign up on my site, but there are some technical difficulties – namely me – because I can’t figure it out!

Good advice


Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink and swore his last oath. Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably shorter than ever.
Mark Twain

You know how this story ends: lying on the couch surrounded by empty Dorito bags and M&M crumbs. New running shoes still in the box,( price tag attached!) a mountain of laundry and a dog that hasn’t been outside so long he is desperately tunneling under the door… and it’s only January 2nd.

I’ve made the lists and the resolutions, too. I’ve taken stock of my stock and decided to make the massive changes that last…Oh, a week… or two.

So this year I am going to try to be a little easier of myself. Now, I’m still trying to be a better Dave in many many areas… and I am certain a few of you would have A LOT of advice for me, ( That goes both ways you know!)

But as James Altucher says; “Habits don’t change in a day. But 1% a day makes every habit work.

The reason is: they work if you do a little each day. If you relax and give yourself permission to only improve a little each day, then a good habit works.

Improve a little each day. It compounds. When 1% compounds every day, it doubles every 72 days, not every 100 days. Compounding tiny excellence is what creates big excellence.” You can read the whole blog post here.

I like that math. Improving 1% a day in whatever I am trying to improve in my life sounds a lot easier than saying I am going to bench press 300 lbs, write 4 best sellers, and pay off my house by 12/31/17. And a lot more doable.

Happy New year all. And thanks for reading. Feedback welcome!
If you know anybody who would like to receive these emails I would love to add them to the list! just shoot me an email and on they go!

Old friends

Old friends

I didn’t want to go to work today. My old friend is moving away. We met with another old friend for our last lunch. Then we shook hands and I hurried back to the office.

I have known my friend since 1965. My family moved right next door when we were both three. That’s 51 years. I don’t remember not knowing him.

We both moved around a lot when we were younger. And, somehow, we each ended up in Fargo. A happy coincidence.

So you come to a comfortable place. We might not see each other for weeks, or even a month or so. But sooner or later we would get together and slip into the same old rhythm. The conversation comes easy when talking to someone you played with the sandbox.

You have friends like that too. And it is easy to take them for granted because they will always be there…except they won’t.

There is a lot of comfort in an old friend. And I think maybe I owe a friend of 51 years more than a handshake.

So thanks for being my friend forever, Dan. I’ll see you later.

Your buddy, Dave

Good advice

Moving targets

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.
“I don’t much care where–” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat.

(Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland) – Lewis Carroll

Sound like anyone we know?

OK. Me…And maybe you. And pretty much everybody else out there. The targets keep moving.
Part of the problem – at least for me – Is that I tend to get caught up in the minutia and ignore the important.
I can easily spend all day wrestling with an insignificant  – although seemingly critical issue – and completely disregard dealing with the thing or activity that will actually move my life and practice in the right direction.

You’ve all heard the definition of insanity right?  “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

The following is an excerpt from the new book by Tim Ferriss: Tools of Titans. Please ignore the names/politics and focus on the message. ( Again. I receive NO compensation for any book, podcast, product or website I reference. I am just passing along things that I like and find helpful.)

“Am I hunting antelope or field mice?”

“I lifted this question around 2012 from former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich. I read about it in Buck Up, Suck Up . . . and Come Back When You Foul Up: 12 Winning Secrets from the War Room, written by James Carville and Paul Begala, the political strategists behind Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign “war room.” Here’s the excerpt that stuck with me:

Newt Gingrich is one of the most successful political leaders of our time. Yes, we disagreed with virtually everything he did, but this is a book about strategy, not ideology. And we’ve got to give Newt his due. His strategic ability—his relentless focus on capturing the House of Representatives for the Republicans—led to one of the biggest political landslides in American history.

Now that he’s in the private sector, Newt uses a brilliant illustration to explain the need to focus on the big things and let the little stuff slide: the analogy of the field mice and the antelope. A lion is fully capable of capturing, killing, and eating a field mouse. But it turns out that the energy required to do so exceeds the caloric content of the mouse itself. So a lion that spent its day hunting and eating field mice would slowly starve to death. A lion can’t live on field mice. A lion needs antelope. Antelope are big animals. They take more speed and strength to capture and kill, and once killed, they provide a feast for the lion and her pride. A lion can live a long and happy life on a diet of antelope. The distinction is important. Are you spending all your time and exhausting all your energy catching field mice? In the short term it might give you a nice, rewarding feeling. But in the long run you’re going to die. So ask yourself at the end of the day, “Did I spend today chasing mice or hunting antelope?”

Another way I often approach this is to look at my to-do list and ask: “Which one of these, if done, would render all the rest either easier or completely irrelevant?”

So, Alice, it does matter a great deal which way we go. And it matters what we spend our time on. Remember, we all have 24 hours a day. “Running out of time” is more often a case of “Running without a plan.”

Let’s try to hunt more antelope from now on. A little strategic thinking at the front of the day can save us a lot of frustration on the back.


My 14 year old daughter was VERY ANGERY at me the other day. This is nothing new. I’m used to it.
Anyway, she stormed off down the hall and shut her door loudly ( not quite a slam…very close, but not quite. She’s very skillful that way.) and proceeded to crank up her music to:
A. Avoid any further conversation with me that might make her even MORE angry.
B. Create the right sonic environment to complete and compliment her devastated life.

So I started to think about that.
I remember – sort of, it’s been a long time – That feeling of teen angst. The pure rage and frustration that you can only feel when you are young and forced to live with people who have never ever felt like you do.

And I wondered what I listened to. Probably to whatever KTRF, the local AM station had rolling. ( It’s really difficult to really feel proper teenage pain and anger when all you can find is Glenn Campbell. After nine PM they switched to a rock and roll format, but it’s hard to time your catastrophes. Sometimes you just had to work with what you had.)

But here is what I wanted:

Hüsker Dü came boiling out of Minneapolis in the early 80’s. It’s fast, it’s loud it’s heavy and it would have been just what I was looking for. Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic has been quoted as saying Nirvana’s musical style was “nothing new; Hüsker Dü did it before us.” Nirvana would never have existed without  Hüsker Dü.

Give New Day Rising a spin. It’s not for everyone. And it’s not for me now. But it would have been prefect in 1978.

Have a great weekend! And thanks for reading this far. Comments are always welcome.

PS. If you know someone who might like these notes, just let me know and I will make sure to add them to the list. Or they can go to my website  – the green link below – and subscribe.



Good advice

Pizza, BMR, Michael Phelps and Nikka

Pizza, BMR, Michael Phelps and Nikka

  1. Here are the brutal numbers:

Two slices of peperoni pizza are about 500 calories. It takes about 45 minutes at 10 MPH ( that’s pretty fast!) on a treadmill to burn up those calories. How long does it take to eat those slices of pizza? If you are like me, about 2-4 minutes… and I don’t stop at two.

Toss in some chips, a donut and a beverage or two ( It’s Friday! Don’t judge me!) and we have a real problem.

Working out like Michael Phelps in training for the Olympics probably is not going to work for most of us. ( Phelps training schedule is six hours of swimming six days per week. He will also lift weights and stretch for an hour three days a week. ) you can read about it here.

However, this is also why he could eat over 12,000 calories/day while training for the Olympics. Here is his Breakfast:

Big bowl of porridge covered with blueberries: 500 cal

Three thick slices of French toast smothered in powdered sugar: 650 cal

Three large chocolate chip pancakes: 600 cal

Five-egg omelette: 600 cal

Three grilled cheese and fried egg sandwiches: 1000 cal

Two cups of coffee

Meal total: 3350 cal

So what’s a girl to do?!?

First, we need to know our BMR ( base metabolic rate). This is the approximate number of calories we burn just lying on the couch watching reruns of Fantasy Island. Consider it the caloric cost to live.
Here is the formula: Just grab a calculator. It’s not hard.

MALE: 66 + (6.3 × body weight in pounds) + (12.9 × height in inches) − (6.8 × age in years)

FEMALE: 655 + (4.3 × weight in pounds) + (4.7 × height in inches) − (4.7 × age in years)

Using me as an example: 66 + (6.3 x 165lbs = 1039.5) = 1105.50
(12.9 x 68 inches) = 877.20
( 6.8 X 54 years) =367.20
SO: 1105.50
+ 877.20
– 367.20
This means I burn about 1615.50 calories a day just staying alive.

Second: Find out how many calories you burn daily through usual activity. This amount is about 20% of your BMR if you have a sedentary lifestyle such as sitting all day in an office; 30% of your BMR if you are moderately active, if your job involves a lot of moving around. 40% of your BMR if you workout 4 days/ week and 50% of your BMR if you hit the gym/run/swim everyday or do heavy lifting at work.

Third: Using me as an example: My BMR is 1615.50  and if I am sedentary, I burn approximately 322 calories per day through normal activity. ( 1610.5 x.20 = 322 )
So I add my BMR to the number of calories I burn each day to determine my caloric needs to maintain my weight. (1610 + 322 = 1932.5)

It gets a lot more complicated than this: Not all calories are created equal. But that’s a book, not a Newsnote. So for our purposes, and keeping things real simple. That is the number I need to think about.
If I can keep my caloric intake around 1900 day, I should be able to maintain my weight, plus or minus a few pounds. And, If can reduce caloric intake below 1900/day, over time I should be able to shed a few pounds.

Further, if I lower my caloric intake plus increase my physical activity, I can multiply my results. Just increasing your activity level to moderate will increase the daily calorie burn to 483 from 322 ( 1610.5 x .30)
This means I have about 161 more calories that I will burn during the course of the day. From 1932 to 2093.

It’s simple math, folks. And again, this does not take into account a host of other factors, but it gives us a place to start. And once we know where we are, we can think about where we want to go!


Nikka Costa is like old Motown on steroids. She’s what Aretha Franklin would have sounded like if the Queen of Soul had been born 40 years later. Get your funk on for the weekend. Listen here.

Thanks for hanging with me so far. I really appreciate it! If you know someone who might like these notes, just let me know and I would be very happy to add them to the list.


Good advice

Quick Hits for the Weekend!

Hi again. I’ll be brief because the weekend is here!

Quick hit #1: Remember MED? (Minimum Effective Dose. I talked about it in the first News Note.)

To recap: It simply means getting the most benefit from the least amount of work/money/time/activity.

In short, getting the most bang for your buck.

Here is a perfect example. A new study from Iowa State University shows that simply walking for – wait for it  – 12 minutes is a serious mood booster. That’s right, a whole 12 minutes is all it takes to help clear the fog and put a shine on your attitude. You can read the article here. I love MED!

Quick Hit #2. THE KENTUCKY HEADHUNTERS “Stumblin'”. Southern fried boogie woogie. You’ll hear the Allman Brothers and Lynyrd Skynyrd all over in here, but the HeadHunters don’t take themselves nearly so seriously. And neither should we… It’s Friday. Best line. ” Let’s go stumblin’ cause you know we can’t dance.”
Have a great weekend!
Comment always welcome! If you know someone who would like to be on our email list, just go to my website – the green link below and sign up. Love to have them!


Doc Dave